Photos from Texas A & M, Nov 7, 2002--Commerce, TX Veteran's Day


Rick Ruston & Glenn Weidner

Veteran's Day Ceremony


Texas A&M Seabee Veteran's Day Display


Wonder Beach submitted by Don Gagnon
Some of the names of MCB11 members: Calvin, Gilbert, Johnson, Coons, Walker, Gagnon, Hermon, K.Otto, Hull, O Wenley, Skibiciki, Lefervre, Arnold, Johnson, Reeves, Allen, Rigdon, Gravnon, Sanders, Maxey, Steer, Bell, Miller, Smith, Babson, Little Cronin, Ashburne, Thomas, Shofeld, Ryan, Alipbout, Paul, Page, Johnson
Dave Savage, holding the rope, in his rodeo days on Guam with MCB 11 in 1959.  As he put in the June Newsletter, take a kid from Los Angeles, teach him to ride, see if he can bite a horse's ear hard enough to make it pay attention and freeze while some one is putting the gear and cinch strap in place, then talk this city kid into getting on that horse and call it a rodeo.


This photo was taken in Sept or Oct of 1969. The group was from Delta Co, we were assigned to build a bridge over the Song Bo river. The nearby village invited us and Lt. Off our Delta Company Commander and Commanding Officer Jack Godsey to a meal in appreciation for building this bridge. Several Seabees are holding small boxes, the local Vietnamese gave each of us a Vietnamese doll.

Front row: Mazaralle, Lt. Off, Fernandez
2nd row: unknown, Tucker, unknown, A. Berg, B Burkhart, Thorton
back row: Group of Vietnames, Commander Godsey, behind an unknown Army Officer is Chaplain Grove. The man on the right I don't remember his name.

This photo and information was submitted by Burdette Burkhart

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