A Seabee is a soldier, in a Navy uniform, with Marine training, doing the work of a civilian, getting W.P.A. pay..

You can have your Army Khaki,
But I'll take my Navy blue,
Here's another U.S. Fighter,
That I'll introduce to you.

His uniform is somewhat different,
The best that you will see,
The Japs call him Commando,
But he's only a Seabee.

His home is in a seabag,
On land or on the sea,
You will see how the Japs all yell,
When he starts to give them hell.

He trained in Old Virginia,
The land that God forgot,
Where mud is ten feet deep,
and it rains a hell of a lot.

He has set a many a table,
and many a dish he has dried,
He had to learn to make his bunk,
and a map he sure can guide.

He has peeled a million onions,
and twice as many spuds,
and spent his spare time,
Washing out his duds.

Now all young women take' a tip,
For I'm giving it to you,
Just get yourself a Seabee,
There's nothing he Can't do.

And when he gets to Heaven,
To Saint Peter, he will tell,
"Another Seabee reporting Sir,
I have served my time in Hell"


This was submitted by Dennis Brown, son of Gunner's Mate William Louie Brown from World War II.

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